Dr. Cassandra McBride-Smith is a thought leader in people management, CEO and founder of McBride & Smith Training Advisory Group with over 22 years of training and professorship in Adult Learning. Her company specializes in helping businesses with training strategies, employee engagement, creating eLearning, and building leadership skills.
Dr. Smith has led global training for Fortune 500 companies and taught tertiary students online. Smith’s expertise spans both academic and corporate settings as she has done extensive research on leadership, working virtually, and enhancing soft skills for people managers.
Smith is a published author and the creator of the Virtual Team Global Business Model (VTGBM™) explained in her book Working at a Distance: A Global Business Model for Virtual Team Collaboration and her newest product Virtual Behaviors App an innovative employee engagement tool to help support to connect leaders to their remote teams.
Learn more at https://www.mcbridesmithtraining.com/.
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