How to Become a Successful Recruiter

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Brianna Rooney, founder of the successful recruiting firm,, is showing how anyone can become a successful recruiter through The Millionaire Recruiter book and ecourse.

Rooney comes from a fashion background. Her top employees come from a design and real estate experience. This diversity of background proves that anyone, from any walk of life, can be successful in this industry. There are no prerequisites, no education, and no work experience required. Hard work, hustle, and proper training are the only things needed.

Salespeople particularly have an easy time being successful in this type of role. Rooney has trained people from real estate, pharmacy sales, insurance sales, and car sales. Anyone with personable communication skills and a drive for individual success can reap the rewards of being a recruiter. Even high school and college graduates can jump into recruiting without having any professional work experience.

Through recruiting, Rooney has gained financial success and more importantly, the freedom from being tied down to a 9-5 grind. She works less than 32 hours per week while taking time off frequently, and she can do it all from a laptop when needed.

Rooney has spent over 10 years in the extremely competitive Bay Area market and built a strong team of employees that each earn six figures a year. Her goal is to not only empower her employees to become wildly successful, but to encourage everyone around her with the motivation and willingness to succeed.

Over the years, Rooney has personally dedicated time to properly groom her own employees into success. She soon realized this information should not be kept secret. The better an industry is as a whole, the better it reflects upon everyone in it.

The Millionaire Recruiter’s goal is to educate and train people that are looking to change career paths or start something new. Whether a person has been in a field for years or is not sure what they’re going to do after they graduate from school, this industry is welcoming to all who enjoy helping people and making a lot of money.

The ramp up time is quick, and recruiters can start making money within their first month. One of the best parts of recruiting is the freedom it gives. Whether as a full-time job or as a way to earn money on the side, recruiting helps workers break out of that rut and cubicle.

Rooney’s short book, The Millionaire Recruiter: Get Rich With No Experience, is a quick introduction into the recruiting world. In the book, readers can learn how Rooney found success in recruiting and how recruiting differs from the typical corporate job. They can gain insight into how and why a recruiting career can work in their lives, too.

Once audiences read the book and decide to go after a career in recruiting, The Millionaire Recruiter e-course is the next step. This full-fledged e-course is an in-depth training class on how to get started and become a successful recruiter right away. The course is for anyone, from people who literally have no idea what recruiting is to those who are already in the industry and want more training. It provides real world examples and hands-on training tools that Rooney and her employees use on a day-to-day basis.

The e-course is a short 3 hours of training so that anyone can jump into working and see results immediately. Packed into those 3 hours are both basic and advanced skills, so students gain a full knowledge of how to be successful recruiters.

Once completed, students of the e-course can apply their training in a variety of ways. The Millionaire Recruiter teaches how recruiters can be successful working for a recruiting agency or consulting on their own. Most recruiting companies throw new hires right into the thick of it with little to no training. Because of this, there are high turnover rates. Most go into it with little knowledge and don’t make it after a few months. Rooney’s online training helps recruiters get over that hump and sustain a long-lasting career.

The Millionaire Recruiter is a one-stop shop for everything recruiting. Visitors can get a look into the industry and the lifestyle it brings Rooney and her employees. It shows how easily an individual can break into the market and get started with little to no money and experience – no matter their background.

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