Dr. Mark van Rijmenam Discusses Web 3 and the Open Metaverse

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders.  This is one in that series. 

Dr. Mark van Rijmenam

Dr Van Rijmenam is one of the leading voices in technology and known for his candid, educated and balanced views on how technology can benefit but also threaten society. He is also known as The Digital Speaker and he thinks about how emerging technologies change organizations and society. Van Rijmenam’s mission is to help large organisations and governments benefit from innovative emerging technologies, while ensuring that it is done ethically and responsibly. Recently, he founded the Digital Futures Institute, which focuses on ensuring a fair digital future for everyone. The research institute uses innovative storytelling to deliver a deep understanding of digital technology and its long-term implications for all levels of society. He is the author of four books, including his last book: Step into the Metaverse: How the Immersive Internet Will Unlock a Trillion-Dollar Social Economy


In this commentary, Van Rijmenam talks about Web 3 and the metaverse and why a decentralized web is crucial for securing our digital future. However, taking this approach requires a shift from a centralized approach driven by Big Tech to a decentralized approach where we control our own data, digital assets, and identity. This is easier said than done, as the current major players are of course reluctant to change perspective and give up the power they have amassed by collecting all the valuable consumer data.

Enjoy the commentary and if you are nterested in learning more about Dr Mark van Rijmenam you can reach out to him

via TheDigitalSpeaker.com, you can follow him on LinkedIn or Twitter or subscribe to his podcast on Apple or Spotify or any of the other many platforms.


Website: TheDigitalSpeaker.com


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