Author Behind Famous Frost-Nixon Interview Discusses that and Recent Projects

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Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed James Reston, Jr.

Recently, Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business, visited with James Reston, Jr., author of 18 books, four of which are histories of the centuries-old rift between Christianity and Islam.

According to a statement, “His bold new novel, The 19th Hijacker: A Novel of 9/11, enthusiastically encouraged by the co-chairman of the 9/11 Commission Lee Hamilton, exposes the horribly misguided motivations behind the terror attack—and helps to answer the question, ‘Why did they attack us?’
‘There’s no possible resolution if we only dehumanize the attackers as monsters,’ says Reston. ‘By probing the human element in all its twisted complexity, we can hopefully prevent future attacks from taking place. Moreover, we can start to heal the gaping divide between opposing worldviews that still poses an existential threat to humanity.’

“Reston’s forthcoming essay in American Heritage magazine, to be published in September, homes in on the remarkable happenstance that blocked Flight 93 from fulfilling its heinous mission of destroying the Capitol Building, which would have effectively decimated the sacred symbol of our democracy.
Reston can share unique insights into the sheer luck that saved the Capitol from destruction including the late departure of Flight 93; the small number of terrorists on board to control the passengers; the extraordinary character of the passenger pool—including three football players; the longest time before the plane was hijacked (45 minutes)—i.e., it was way out in Ohio and farthest away from its target than the other three planes; the passengers had a longer time to grasp the reality of their situation and organize a revolt. ‘All these happenstances are sheer accidents of history,’ says Reston, ‘and they represent the blind luck of our nation to have avoided the worst disaster of the four attacking planes.’

“Worth mentioning: Reston intimately understands the process of recruitment, brainwashing, and radicalization. He wrote more on the Jonestown massacre than any other author/journalist and was trained in intelligence and asset recruitment himself during the Vietnam War. He’s also known for scripting David Frost’s Q&A with Richard Nixon that finally made the president come clean. Sam Rockwell played him in the film Frost-Nixon.”


The Price of Business is one of the longest-running shows of its kind in the country and is in markets coast to coast. The Host, Kevin Price, is a multi-award-winning author, broadcast journalist, and syndicated columnist. Learn more about the show and its digital partners at (scroll down to the bottom of the page).

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