By Lloydering Technologies, LLC, Special for USDR
Political tensions in this country, especially between parties, are at an all-time high. Americans are furious with the recent actions, or more often inaction, from Congress. Whether the cause is lack of constituent involvement or an active disregard for the collective opinion of those they represent, Members of Congress have lost the faith of over two thirds of US citizens.
Think about that. Two out of every three people do not trust that our representatives have our best interests at heart. In this day and age, where being a politician is a lucrative position, not the labor of love and sacrifice that it was laid out by our forefathers to be, how can we verify that these “representatives” represent anything but their own interests?
Control Your Democracy, a web and phone application in development by Lloydering Technologies, LLC, offers a way to place control of our collective future back into the hands of the people. Keep an eye on what your elected representatives are really doing in Congress, participate in creating the laws that affect us all, and interact with your fellow constituents, all from the comfort of your own phone.
Control Your Democracy is a social media application that encourages Americans to learn more about their representatives in addition to the bills on which they vote. Through an easy-to-use interface, CYD actively notifies users when bills of interest gain traction or are shared by friends. All of the information provided is concise, accurate, and unbiased, to ensure a complete understanding of the implications proposed laws entail.
Users can freely comment and vote for or against bills, enabling the allocation of popular opinion by country, state and congressional district. The result is an accurate comparison of how our Members of Congress are voting in accordance to the rest of their constituents as well as yourself.
All aspects and features of CYD are aimed at creating an atmosphere in which users can be proactively notified actions in Congress that could change the course of our future. It also strives to increase involvement and open communication between citizens and their direct representatives. This platform administers a means to find the most beneficial common ground, and pursue it successfully. Co-Founder Keith Lloyd feels that, “The vast majority of Americans are good hearted people who want to help each other. [He believes] the reason we have failed to do so on the political front is due to the lack of a fair and informative platform that allows the majority to decide the clear directions we need to take.” Control Your Democracy will provide the platform and tools necessary to achieve this vision.
The Application is currently in alpha stages of development. A Kickstarter campaign has been initiated to raise the necessary funds to maximize the efficacy of the application, and thus the efficacy of our Congress. It will be available on Android, iOS, and web browser. For more information on this Kickstarter and the application in general, visit www.controlyourdemocracy.com.
SOURCE Lloydering Technologies, LLC