The States vs. Obamacare

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By the Price of Business Show, Media Partner of USADC. Hosted by Kevin Price. 

Since 2010 Republican dominated Houses of Congress were able to routinely repeal Obamacare, only to have it vetoed by Barack Obama.  Since Trump won the White House and both Houses maintained GOP majorities, efforts to repeal have been hindered by legislation to replace.  It simply has not worked.  Since getting rid of Obamacare was one of the main positions of the GOP in its mandate, it has become an embarrassment to Republicans that they made no progress in this effort.

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That is until now.

It appears it will be Republican Governors and and state Attorney Generals that will bring down Obamacare.  One of the interesting elements of the sweeping tax reform by Trump and driven by members of Congress, is the end of the taxing mandate of Obamacare starting next year.  It was this mandate that provided the “legal” justification for the law, according to Chief Justice Roberts, who provided the shocking deciding vote that validated legalization.  Without that mandate, the legal basis has just been thrown out of the window, according to Twila Brase of the Citizens Council for Health Freedom.  Brase was recently on the Price of Business and she visited with Host, Kevin Price, about the precarious future of Obamacare.

According to a statement, “Twila Brase is president and co-founder of the Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCH Freedom), a patient-centered national organization based in St. Paul, Minnesota. In August 2009, Modern Healthcare named her #75 on their ‘100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare’ list.

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