Bachelor’s Degree Center (https://www.bachelorsdegreecenter.org/), a free guide to traditional and online bachelor’s degree programs in all disciplines, has released four 2019 rankings of the best nutritional science and dietetics degree programs in the US:
25 Best Bachelor’s in Nutritional Sciences Degree Programs for 2019 (https://www.bachelorsdegreecenter.org/best-nutritional-sciences-degree/)
15 Best Online Nutritional Science Certificates for 2019
10 Best Online Nutritional Science Bachelor’s Degree Programs for 2019
10 Most Affordable Nutritional Science Bachelor’s Degree Programs for 2019
The Top 3 Best Nutritional Sciences Bachelor’s Programs for 2019 are: 1) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 2) Purdue University; 3) James Madison University. The Top 3 Online Nutritional Science Bachelor’s Programs for 2019 are: 1) Rutgers University; 2) Arizona State University; 3) Purdue University Global.
A complete list of all institutions ranked is included at the end of this release.
“Nutrition and dietetics is one of the fastest-growing career paths in the US,” Bachelor’s Degree Center editors explain; “according to the BLS, the job market for nutritionists is expected to grow by 15% in the next decade, much faster than average.” The primary reasons are, of course, “the much-discussed ‘graying of America’ as Baby Boomers age,” as well the growing public health crisis of nutrition-related illnesses: “As Americans fight obesity, cancer, heart disease, and other nutrition-related illnesses, the role for dietitians and nutritionists is only going to be more important.” Increased demand from the field means increased demand from students, so traditional, online, and affordable degrees, as well as less-demanding certificate programs, are springing up in colleges and universities everywhere. As the editors note, “Both nutritionists and dietitians can expect a rewarding career,” and an education is just the start.
Bachelor’s Degree Center has been providing advice, resources, and rankings on the best traditional and online bachelor’s degree programs since 2014. Completely independent and unbiased, BDC is working to be the ultimate resource for new high school graduates, working adults returning to school, and nontraditional students.
All Institutions in the Bachelor’s Degree Center Nutritional Science Rankings (in alphabetical order)
American University (DC)
Appalachian State University
Arizona State University
Arkansas State University
Bowling Green State University
Buffalo State University (SUNY)
CSU Los Angeles
Colorado State University
Cornell University
Delaware State University
Delta State University
Eastern Michigan University
Grand Valley State University
Indiana State University
James Madison University
Kansas State University
La Salle University
Liberty University
North Dakota State University
Ohio State University
Purdue University
Rowan University
Rutgers University
SUNY Oneonta
Simmons University
Texas Christian University
Tufts University
University of Alabama
University of Arizona
University of Cincinnati
University of Connecticut
University of Idaho
University of Illinois Chicago
The University of Kansas Medical Center
University of Kentucky
University of Massachusetts Lowell
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri – Columbia
University of Montevallo
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Northern Colorado
University of Pittsburgh
University of Southern California
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at San Antonio
University of Vermont
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Utah State University
Washington State University
Wayne State University
Weber State University
Youngstown State University
Ava Ellis
Lead Editor, Bachelor’s Degree Center