Movies in the theater are often “feast and famine” in their selection. With that, we love to also check out movies that are available for home viewing. The following are movies recently seen by members of our editorial staff with our recommendations. Enjoy! Or (in and least one case) be disappointed.
Game Night
The trailer of this movie brings one word to mind — ridiculous! It is ridiculous — ridiculously funny. Every character played their part perfectly. Sure, it was entirely unbelievable. So much so, that you make peace with that reality pretty early and go ahead and enjoy the film. It was meant to be fun.
This has a high Rotten Tomatoes (83 percent) and 84 percent (rightly) liked this movie.
If you don’t like to laugh, don’t watch this film. Period.
It was violent and more than a little vulgar (for “language, sexual references and some violence”), so do not watch it for family night. Take the time to rent (or even buy) this clever film.

Molly’s Game
If you are looking for something more based on reality and not nearly as funny (although it certainly had its moments), consider Molly’s Game. We were impressed by the reviews as well as the award talk that surrounded it.
The movie is beautifully filmed with interesting story line. It is simply excellent to watch.
Rotten Tomatoes said the critics consensus was “Powered by an intriguing story and a pair of outstanding performances from Jessica Chastain and Idris Elba, Molly’s Game marks a solid debut for writer-director Aaron Sorkin.” That sums it up well. When the film was over, one will naturally be keeping an eye out for the future endeavors of the protagonist.
Find out more about how her story continued after the film ended, click here.
How accurate was it? Visit here.
It only barely required its R rating (for language, drug content and some violence), but provides a good warning for families looking at watching a film.
This movie keeps the viewers’ attention from beginning to end.

The Hitman’s Bodyguard
Kevin Price, host of the Price of Business show and an Editor on this site, insisted we add The Hitman’s Bodyguard. He told us, “I have to admit it, I had really low expectations for the film. That usually helps a movie rather than hurt it.”
This movie took a beating from the critics, only getting a 39% rating from Rotten Tomatoes, but the critics that matter most (those who buy tickets), loved this film. With a $30 million budget and bringing in $176.6 million, it already has a sequel in the works. In addition, 88% of Google users like the movie.
Kevin said, “my sides literally hurt by then end of the movie. The main actors — Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson — have great chemistry and make you laugh at every single turn. It is shocking how many people got ‘hurt or killed’ in its making, but the film would not have been the same without the violence. It oddly worked.”
The movie had a well deserved R “for strong violence and language throughout.” The language was unbelievable. Don’t watch this with your kids or your parents (even if you are an adult). It is simply too much. But it is hilarious. You have to watch it, if it is appropriate for you to do such.

The 15:17 to Paris
Finally our last selection is our biggest disappointment. We are sure it partially suffers from high expectations. One of our favorite directors/actors, Clint Eastwood created a movie celebrating heroism, using actual heroes. This has Oscar written all over. Unfortunately, it is more like “Oscar the Grouch.”
Rotten Tomatoes gave it a generous 25 percent. The critics rightly described it as: “The 15:17 to Paris pays clumsily well-intentioned tribute to an act of heroism, but by casting the real-life individuals involved, director Clint Eastwood fatally derails his own efforts.” To be blunt, these guys cannot act.
The production quality was marginal at best. It was hard to watch and not go to sleep.
The movie had an appropriate PG-13 rating PG-13 (for bloody images, violence, some suggestive material, drug references and language).
The budget was slightly over $35 million and has garnered slightly more than $57 million, we believe out of sympathy. We are glad our small contribution was via Redbox and not full price at the theater.