Iinsha designed Yes, No, Maybe So! to provide a stage where users can freely & boldly post pictures, ask questions, and get fast, unbiased responses from people with a simple swipe. The Yes, No, Maybe So! platform gives users the opportunity to get their voice heard and make a difference to others by providing real, unbiased feedback.
Yes, No, Maybe So! keeps the voter’s responses anonymous to the asking individual. The anonymity of feedback within the app brings forth an extremely trustworthy method of receiving honest answers.
Yes, No, Maybe So! also gives users the power to customize a platform based around themselves. This app is unlike any other allowing them the ability to steer clear of seeing unwanted content by following only specific categories they have a real interest in. Since Yes, No, Maybe So’ers customize their feed by category rather than people, it is possible to follow others who may share some different interests, and still not see unwanted content.
YNMS will launch with 20 categories ranging from Food, Fashion, Sports, & Trending. The empowering “Me” category was created to inspire users to express themselves freely and boldlywith no hesitation. The absence of commenting on posts caters to a safe place for users to unveil their true selves.
No question is dumb within the YNMS community and users are encouraged to ask those daunting questions, post the pictures they aren’t so sure about, and get advice on indecisive situations.