How Can I Ensure I Have a Good Working Relationship with My Lawyer?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you find yourself in the situation of requiring a lawyer, then you know that the stakes are high. You need to make sure that you do everything you can to place your case in the best position possible to be successful. Even though your lawyer is going to be there to advise you, you are going to be the person that has the final say in every decision that you make. Therefore, you need to make sure that you have a good working relationship with your lawyer.

First, you need to make sure that you communicate with your lawyer on a regular basis. If you find yourself needing an easement attorney in California, you need to make sure that you stay in touch with your lawyer. Both you and your lawyer are going to receive information that could be pertinent to the development of your case. Even though you are probably concerned about taking up too much of your attorney’s time, you still need to communicate with him or her on a regular basis.

Second, you also need to make sure that you are forthright with your attorney. Whether you have a personal injury case, a criminal case, or another matter entirely that you are dealing with, it is important for you not to hide anything from your attorney. Remember that you are going to be protected by attorney-client privilege. If you did not reveal everything to your attorney, then it is going to be impossible for him or her to place you in the best position possible to be successful. If you did not provide your attorney with all of the information, you are going to have a hard time making the proper decisions.

Finally, you also need to make sure that you understand who you should reach out to you if you have a question. A lot of attorneys work in large firms. You might end up communicating with a salaried attorney or a paralegal. You need to make sure that you understand when you should be communicating with an attorney and when you should be communicating with someone else.


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