Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Rev. Barbara Lane to provide another commentary in a series.
The Rev. Barbara Lane Commentaries
Healing from childhood trauma is something every survivor deserves. Yet addressing such deep and sorrowful wounds can feel overwhelming. Where does one even begin? Find some powerful steps in “What Your Inner Child Knows: 9 Steps to Rescue Your Abused Inner Child.”
This is Rev. Barbara Lane, and I want to share something with you today. My life story is an open book, quite literally. In my memoir “Broken Water,” I share my journey of surviving abuse in a foster home operated by a member of the mafia. Through this experience, I uncover secrets about my past and reconnect with my long-lost sisters. It was a difficult and tumultuous journey, but it ignited a passion within me for studying family psychology, advocating for children, and exploring ways to heal from trauma.
In the beginning of my healing process, I held onto the belief that someone or something outside of myself would be the key to my recovery. However, I eventually learned that while external support (therapy, mentors, inspirational books) is crucial, the ultimate responsibility falls on oneself to heal their inner child. Even after years of therapy, I am still learning how to nurture my inner child and show her love in order to fully heal.
It was a hard truth to accept – that the people who were supposed to love and care for me didn’t and likely never will. But this is the first step: Acceptance. Coming to terms with this allowed me to take control of my own life and become the adult figure I needed as a child. Despite holding onto hope for their acceptance and validation for many years, I realized that only I could truly rescue myself.
This realization also brought anger – why should I have to do all the work to love and validate myself? Why couldn’t they have loved me, cared for me, and fought for me? What was wrong with me that made them hurt me? How could I change myself to make them love me? These questions plagued me for some time before I finally understood that no amount of changing myself could make them love me; their actions were solely their responsibility. And my responsibility, no matter how unfair it seemed to be, was to take sole responsibility for healing myself.
You have the power to do the same. Although having to heal yourself may feel unfair, it can also be a chance for spiritual growth and personal development. You have the potential to become more than you ever thought possible. Keep your faith and hold onto hope because you can change your life. Why not begin today?
Barbara Lane, MA, OMC is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor with 30 years experience working with abused children and adults.
You can contact Rev. Lane and find out more by visiting her website, https://barbaralane.info
You can also follow her on social media at:
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/barbaralane.author
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