Time To Fling the Empty Nest?

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Wendy Bjork.

The Wendy Bjork Commentaries

It’s almost that time of year, kids are heading back to school soon, including off to college.  Some for the first time. Staying stress free, calm and in acceptance of life are the keys to your harmony.

If I had a dollar for every person “concerned” about my upcoming “empty nest”, I would be at the mall buying some new purses and matching shoes.

Where does this term come from?  I am not a bird, my house is not made of sticks or mud and my kids do not eat bugs and worms, nor do any of us have beaks or wings.

Is the term “empty nest” someone else’s portrayal of their own fears about what to do with the next chapter in life?  Where did it even come from? Does it stem from that old term mother hen?

I have always thought of myself as being proactive.  In fact, ever since I attended a Stephem Covey workshop back in the 90’s, I have embraced his concepts taught in Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, and what real proactivity is.

I saw the writing on the wall when my older son obtained his temporary driving privileges.  It was all downhill to graduation from there.

We are each responsible for our own happiness, this is our job, and no one else’s.  When our children graduate from high school and leave home to attend college or launch their career, it’s our job to support them.

We do know the empty nest term is a psychological condition that occurs when children leave their parents’ homes to pursue their own lives and careers. It can be a difficult adjustment for both parents and can also impact their marital relationship.

Empty nest syndrome is used to describe feelings of sadness and angst that many parents experience when their children leave home. Although it is not a mental health disorder or clinical diagnosis, it’s important to recognize that these negative feelings are normal and can be overcome with the right coping methodsThis can be a happy time for everyone, a time to celebrate success!

Knowing you have raised your kids to be responsible adults and this is just another step into your natural journeys can be comforting.

If there is any support I can offer, feel free to visit heartsofwellness.com/you or send a message to support @heartsofwellness.com. We are all in this together!


As a best selling author and Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Wendy Bjork empowers women to see beyond whatever challenges they are navigating.

She inspires them to live in acceptance, creating massive ripple effects in the world as she teaches them to simplify and purify their lives.

Her HeartsofWellness.com platform is the place for women to begin receiving the support they are seeking as they create their roadmap back to wellness with Wendy lighting their path.

She is a pioneer in advocacy and mentorship.  Wendy is leading a global revolution of women walking in purpose and peace as she illumines their path ahead with the light of HOPE:  Harmony, Options, Peace & Empowerment.

Follow Wendy: heartsofwellness.com/newsletter

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