For the 2017 UK General Election, Zoic Labs activated a futuristic LIVE data visualization entitled UK LIVE. The fascinating, real time new way to track the UK’s controversial 2017 election can be viewed HERE.
“UK LIVE by Zoic” follows the studio’s similar live data visualization of the US presidential election 2016 entitled “LIVE by Zoic.” The app places real-time, powerful, big-data and sentiment analysis in the hands of everyday citizens of the UK. UK L.I.V.E. (Live and Interactive Voter Emotion), is intuitive, easy to use, and provides infinite personal customization.
Biz Stone, Twitter Co-founder and Zoic Advisory Board Member said of the original data vis tool LIVE by Zoic, “This data visualization enables citizens to put their finger on the pulse of what people are really thinking and consequently, Tweeting. This isn’t polling data, it’s real people, expressing their real thoughts and it’s the closest we’ll get to having a crystal ball.”
UK LIVE by Zoic is available free, and allows users to interactively customize aggregations of Tweets about UK Prime Minister candidates Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn, by sentiment, emotions, location, age and gender. Notes Zoic Labs President Tim McBride, “We encourage all UK voters to move beyond static and often critiqued polling data and follow the UK General Election using UK LIVE by Zoic’s customizable visualizations of the election sentiment and opinions of United Kingdom citizens.”
Zoic Labs is the advanced visualization R&D division of Emmy Award-winning visual effects studio, Zoic Studios. Zoic Labs chiefly operates on large data visualization and VR, AR and machine learning operations for its clients. For this experiment, Maryland-based analytics company ICG and their LUX2016 big-data analytics platform is providing the analytics for this election, which monitors and filters news and social media, then using advanced analytics determines demographics, sentiment, emotion and other pertinent results.
About Zoic Labs
Zoic Labs is an advanced visualization company focused on the intersection of big data, narrative, design, and emerging technologies.
Since 2002, we have developed software and virtual production tools for Zoic Studios, a multi-platform storytelling company with emphasis on high-end computer graphics for film, television, and gaming.
Zoic Labs creates cross-disciplinary visualization models for data analysis and collaborative insight discovery.
We provide R&D, agile software development, UI/UX design, and consulting services for a diverse range of clients, both public and private.
For more information contact: Virginia Scripps @ Press Kitchen 310.394.3900
SOURCE Zoic Labs