By the Price of Business Show, Hosted by Kevin Price. The Price of Business is a media partner of this site.
Kevin Price recently interviewed Paul Cummings, International Author and Business Consultant, about the power of visualization that he detailed throughout his latest book, It All Matters. The power of properly implementing this strategy to help you achieve all of your goals and dreams is discussed in this segment. Cummings’ latest product, the It All Matters Visualization Toolkit is specifically designed to walk you through the entire Visualization process, step by step, so that you can turn your own goals and dreams into reality.
Just as you can mentally paint a picture of the life that you truly want; you can make your vision a reality.
Pablo Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist, once we grow up?”
You can directly apply this quote to the “art” of dreaming and goal setting. As children, we all dream of doing great things in the future. Ask a kid, “What do you really want out of life?” and he or she will likely give you a mountain of things, both big and small, that they want to do in the future.
So what happens to this bold and ambitious attitude when we grow up?
For some people, it slowly fades away.
Why does this happen? I think it all comes down to your ability to properly plan, practice, and prepare to make your dreams come true. You must be able to visualize the fulfillment of your goal or dream coming true, and then believe in the freedom that comes with it.
What is the difference between the individuals who visualize a dream and resiliently chase after it until they find success, and those who never seem to take action and choose to leave their dreams in dreamland? Where is the mental “gap?”
In order to accomplish your goals and dreams, you must first deconstruct the masterpiece that you have painted in your mind’s eye, stroke by stroke, until it is broken down into a collection of smaller and “actionable” goals. You can then use each of these goals as “stepping stones” to success that will take you towards your goals and dreams.
You are the artist who breathes life into the destiny that you seek. So what kind of masterpiece are you painting for yourself? What colors and dreams are you filling your canvas with?
It’s not the circumstances of your life that will shape your outcomes; it is the way that you choose to respond to the situations that you face. Remember, you are in complete control of your life, and the formula for ultimate success is tied directly to your ability to think bigger and in more positive terms.