Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Majora Carter.
On a recent Price of Business show, Host Kevin Price visited with Majora Carter (an urban revitalization expert and real estate developer). Carter argues that poorer communities could be transformed by a time-honored corporate practice: a talent retention strategy.
By incorporating this type of plan, communities can offer up an alternative to traditional programs, policies and attitudes that do little to lift people out of poverty. Without this – Carter says struggling communities cannot succeed if their most gifted residents measure their success by how far away they get away.
In her new book: RECLAIMING YOUR COMMUNITY: YOU DON’T HAVE TO MOVE OUT OF YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TO LIVE IN A BETTER ONE ” Carter offers up a powerful rethinking of poverty, economic development, and the meaning of success in hopes of creating an enduring legacy of community wealth, pride, and power.
According to a statement, “Urban revitalization strategist MAJORA CARTER offers a solution to end the brain drain that cripples low-income communities, mapping out a development strategy focused on encouraging talented people to stay – and help lift up the community.
“Carter argues that these areas need a talent-retention strategy, just like the ones companies have. Retaining homegrown talent is a critical part of creating a strong local economy that can resist gentrification. But too many people born in low-status communities measure their success by how far away from them they can get.
“Carter, who could have been one of them, returned to the South Bronx and devised a development strategy rooted in the conviction that these communities have the resources within themselves to succeed.
In the new book – ‘Reclaiming Your Community: You Don’t Have to Move Out of Your Neighborhood to Live in A Better One’ writes about how she could have left her neighborhood. But she chose to stay in the South Bronx and develop a new way to revitalize and preserve her home.
The statement continues, “In this profoundly personal book, Carter writes about: her brother’s murder, transforming a local dump into an award-winning park, her experiences as a woman of color confronting the ‘male and pale’ real estate industry and what she calls the ‘nonprofit industrial complex’ as well as her successes, her setbacks, and her struggles of real estate and nonprofit and philanthropic establishments.”
About the author: MAJORA CARTER is a real estate developer, urban revitalization strategy consultant, MacArthur Fellow and Peabody Award winning broadcaster. She is responsible for the creation and successful implementation of numerous economic developments, technology & green-infrastructure projects, policies and job training & placement systems. Carter applies her corporate consulting practice focused on talent-retention to reducing Brain Drain in American low-status communities. She has firsthand experience pioneering sustainable economic development in one of America’s most storied low-status communities: the South Bronx. Majora is quoted on the walls of the Smithsonian Museum of African-American History and Culture in DC: “Nobody should have to move out of their neighborhood to live in a better one”. She has served on the boards of the US Green Building Council, Ceres, The Wilderness Society, and the Andrew Goodman Foundation. Carter has helped connect tech industry pioneers such as Etsy, Gust, FreshDirect, Google, and Cisco to diverse communities at all levels.
Website: http://www.majoracartergroup.com/
The Price of Business is one of the longest running shows of its kind in the country and is in markets coast to coast. The Host, Kevin Price, is a multi-award winning author, broadcast journalist, and syndicated columnist. Learn more about the show and its digital partners at www.PriceofBusiness.com (scroll down to the bottom of the page).