America’s Education System Fails our Children

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Back-to-School means more than new pencils and backpacks. Students are also going back to an educational system that is increasingly failing them, says Andrew Bernstein, Ph.D., who has taught college and some high school classes for 30 years. During that time, he says, he has witnessed the decline in academic preparedness of his students to the point where he no longer assigns essays to his philosophy students.

When compared to students from other countries, American children continue to perform far below students from such countries as SingaporeJapanHong Kong and Finland in reading, science and math. “We have arrived at this disastrous state of education for one fundamental reason: Schools of education, state departments of education, and the Federal Department of Education form what historian Arthur Bestor called an ‘interlocking Directorate’ of professional educationists militantly opposed to academic training as the proper foundation of schooling,” Bernstein says.

Bernstein has been interviewed on hundreds of radio shows—including by such legends as Barry FarberBob GrantMark Scott, and others—and appeared on several prominent TV news shows, including Neil Cavuto’s. He is the author of the upcoming book, Why Johnny Still Can’t Read or Write, Spell, or Understand Math–and What We Can Do About It. 

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