Donald Trump and Prime Minister Theresa May had a free wheeling press conference following the President’s recent visit to the UK. Both leaders provided warm statements about each other and their countries, with Trump saying the UK is the “most special” of relationships the US has.
One of the first questions by the media was about an interview Trump had with the UK newspaper, The Sun. The headline — “Donald Trump told Theresa May how to do Brexit ‘but she wrecked it’ – and says the US trade deal is off” states it all. It set a very harsh tone.
Trump made his view clear, “This is fake news.” He went on to say that he is using an old tool to fight, what Trump seems to project as a new problem, that being “fake news.” He declared that his people “recorded the interview.” Furthermore he went on to say that “we are now recording all our interviews” and that he would be glad to let people hear what was actually stated. He said that, in the interview with The Sun, Trump stated his support of May and her Brexit efforts. He spoke highly of her and had a member of The Sun, in the audience confirm such took place.
Here’s the response of Trump to that question about The Sun and his new (but old) weapon he is deploying to fight “fake news.”

He mentioned this often during the conference and was clearly a warning shot over the bow of the media to be accurate or be exposed.
There has yet to be a call to hear that interview audio yet, which lends to the impression that media bias is a very real issue.